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In a context where violence in sports is becoming increasingly concerning, the Association des Clubs Francophones de Football (ACFF) took the initiative to launch an ambitious awareness campaign titled "Mettons la violence hors-jeu" ("Kick Violence Out of the Game"). This campaign, produced by our agency, addresses an alarming reality: in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, a study revealed that one in four young people is a victim of verbal violence within their sports club. These acts, which include insults, threats, and other verbal assaults, are unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg in a much larger problem.

Faced with these worrying findings, the ACFF chose not to resign itself but to take a firm stance to raise awareness among all sports stakeholders about the need for a safer and more respectful environment. The "Mettons la violence hors-jeu" campaign revolves around this central message: every participant in sports—be they players, coaches, referees, or spectators—has a role to play in eradicating violence in all its forms, whether physical, verbal, or psychological.

A Strong Message for Collective Awareness

The campaign was designed to directly appeal to people's consciences. The visuals and messages distributed in clubs, on fields, and through various communication channels highlight the severity of violent acts that often take place right before our eyes but are too often ignored or trivialized. The ACFF wanted to remind everyone that violence begins long before physical impact; it originates in words, attitudes, and behaviors that feed a spiral of hatred and aggression.

Awareness Tools for Lasting Impact

To ensure the campaign's effectiveness, several tools were developed. Posters and videos were created to be widely distributed in ACFF-affiliated clubs. These visual aids are accompanied by clear and impactful messages, urging everyone to take responsibility. Additionally, awareness sessions were organized for young players, coaches, and parents, encouraging them to adopt exemplary behavior and to report acts of violence when they witness them.

Support from Authorities

The "Mettons la violence hors-jeu" campaign also benefits from the support of public authorities, who recognize the urgency of the situation. The Minister-President of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Pierre-Yves Jeholet, expressed his support for this initiative, emphasizing the importance of coordinated action to combat violence in sports. Funds have been allocated to finance prevention and anti-violence projects, further reinforcing the campaign's impact.

A Call to Action for All Sports Stakeholders

The "Mettons la violence hors-jeu" campaign aims to be a catalyst for change. It calls on every sports participant to recognize their role and actively commit to making sports more respectful and inclusive. Through this initiative, the ACFF seeks to create a collective movement capable of changing mindsets and eradicating violence from sports fields.

In sum, this campaign represents a strong commitment by the ACFF to ensure that respect and safety are at the heart of every sporting event.

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